- Groundwater protection
- Detailed hydrogeology (methods of hydrogeological investigation)
- General hydrogeology
- Regional hydrogeology of Poland
Research interests:
- hydrogeochemistry
- groundwater monitoring and protection
- hydrogeology of salt domes
- groundwater treatment in an aquifer
- groundwater and land reclamation
PhD – AGH (1976):
Characteristic of Hydraulic Conductivity of Cainozoic Aquifers in Central Wielkopolska (Great Poland)
Habilitation – AGH (1991):
The Main Hydrochemical Problems of Cainozoic Aquifer Located in Central Wielkopolska (Great Poland)
Professorship – 2000 r.
Scientific interests:
Hydrogeochemistry, monitoring and protection of groundwater, hydrogeology of salt domes
- Kruć-Fijałkowska R., Dragon K., Drożdżyński D., Górski J., 2022 – Seasonal variation of pesticides in surface water and drinking water wells in the annual cycle in western Poland, and potential health risk assessment. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
- Dragon K., Kruć-Fijałkowska R., Matusiak M., Siepak M., Drożdżyński D., Górski J., 2022 – The impact of treated wastewater effluent on contamination of a water supply aquifer during one decade of water exploitation (Tursko well field, Poland). Geological Quarterly, 67: 14, DOI:
- Dragon K., Górski J., Burghardt D., 2022 – Vertical nitrate migration and denitrification zones in a regional recharge area (Lwówek region, Poland). Geological Quarterly, 66: 15, DOI:
- Górski J., 2022 – Ochrona wód podziemnych w Polsce. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM Poznań, ISBN 978-83-232-4080-8, p. 446.
- Matusiak M., Dragon K., Górski J., Kruć-Fijałkowska R., Przybyłek J., 2021 – Surface water and groundwater interaction at long-term exploited riverbank filtration site based on groundwater flow modelling (Mosina-Krajkowo, Poland). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 37, 100882.
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kruć-Fijałkowska R., Matusiak M., 2021 – Assessment of river water infiltration conditions based on both chloride mass-balance and hydrogeological setting: The Krajkowo riverbank filtration site (Poland). Geologos, 27(1): 35–41.
- Górski J., 2021 – Ułatwiona migracja zanieczyszczeń do użytkowych poziomów wodonośnych w wyniku wad technicznych studni i otworów hydrogeologicznych. Krogulec E. (red.): Wybrane zagadnienia hydrogeologiczne oraz różne aspekty związane z eksploatacją wód podziemnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 188 s., ISBN 978-83-8220-655-5.
- Górski J., Kruć-Fijałkowska R., Matusiak M., Dragon K., 2021 – Zmiany chemizmu i jakości wód gruntowego poziomu wodonośnego w warunkach wieloletniej eksploatacji ujęcia wody w Chorzeminie. Wrzesiński D., Graf R., Perz A. (red.): Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany obiegu wody : ilościowe i jakościowe badania wód, Studia i Prace z Geografii, nr 88, 2021, Poznań, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 189 s., ISBN 978-83-7986-359-4.
- Kruć R., Dragon K., Górski J., Nagy-Kovacs Z., Grischek T., 2020 – Geohydraulic condtions and post-treatment at riverbank filtration sites in Eastern Europe. Baltica, 33 (1): 97-108.
- Kruć R., Dragon K., Górski J., 2020 – SOMA2 – narzędzie do oceny stopnia redukcji zanieczyszczeń mikroorganicznych na infiltracyjnych ujęciach wód. [W:] Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany obiegu wody. Współczesne problemy i kierunki badań, Wrzesiński D., Graf R., Perz A., Plewa K. (red). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Bogucki, Poznań: 25-32, ISBN 978-83-7986-303-7
- Boroń M., Górski J., 2020 – Zasoby i ujęcia wody. [W:] Wodociągi i kanalizacja Bydgoszczy dla mieszkańców, miasta i środowiska. Drzewiecki S., Cieściński J., Kostecki A., Jankowiak M., (red.); Wydawnictwo Pejzaż, Stadnicki s.k. Bydgoszcz: 154-197, ISBN 978-83-65819-52-9
- Boroń M., Górski J., 2020 – Rekultywacja pól irygacyjnych. [W:] Wodociągi i kanalizacja Bydgoszczy dla mieszkańców, miasta i środowiska. Drzewiecki S., Cieściński J., Kostecki A., Jankowiak M., (red.); Wydawnictwo Pejzaż, Stadnicki s.k. Bydgoszcz: 424-447, ISBN 978-83-65819-52-9
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kaczmarek P., 2019 – Nitrate pollution in the Warta River (Poland) between 1958 and 2016: trends and causes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 2038-2046.
- Kruć R., Dragon K., Górski J., 2019. Migration of Pharmaceuticals from the Warta River to the Aquifer at a Riverbank Filtration Site in Krajkowo (Poland). Water, 11, 2238.
- Dragon K., Drożdżyński D., Górski J., Kruć R., 2019. The migration of pesticide residues in groundwater at a bank filtration site (Krajkowo well field, Poland). Environmental Earth Sciences, 78:593.
- Kruć R., Dragon K., Górski J., 2019. Farmaceutyki w wodach rzecznych oraz ich migracja do ujęć infiltracyjnych w Krajkowie. Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 475: 109-116.
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kruć R., 2019 – Wpływ infiltracji brzegowej na przekształcenie środowiska hydrogeochemicznego warstwy wodonośnej na przykładzie ujęcia Mosina-Krajkowo. Technologia Wody, Rok XI, Zeszyt 3(65): 24-30.
- Dragon K., Górski J., Kruć R., Drożdżyński Grischek T., 2018 – Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Organic Micropollutants during Riverbank Filtration in Krajkowo, Poland. Water 10: 1457.
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kruć R., 2018 – A comparison of the efficiency of riverbank filtration treatments in different types of wells. Geologos 24 (3): 245–251.
- Kruć R., Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2018 – Warunki zasilania studni bariery infiltracyjnej na ujęciu Mosina-Krajkowo w świetle danych hydrochemicznych. [W:] Bezpieczeństwo zbiorowego zaopatrzenia w wodę na terenach objętych antropopresją – 2018, Malina G. (red). Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych w Częstochowie: 67-73
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kruć R., 2018 – Wpływ infiltracji brzegowej na przekształcenie środowiska hydrogeochemicznego warstwy wodonośnej na przykładzie ujęcia Mosina-Krajkowo. [W:] Zaopatrzenie w wodę, jakość i ochrona wód. Dymaczeski Z., Jeż-Walkowiak-Jeż J., Nowak M., Urbaniak A. (Red). Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych Oddz. Wielkopolski, Poznań
- Górski J. – Dwadzieścia pięć lat doświadczeń w uzdatnianiu wód podziemnych w warstwie wodonośnej na ujęciu Wroniawy dla miasta Wolsztyna. Przegląd Geologiczny 65(11/2), 1257-1263
- Dragon K., Kasztelan D., Gorski J, Najman J., 2016 – Influence of subsurface drainage systems on nitrate pollution of water supply aquifer (Tursko well-field, Poland). Environmental Earth Science 75: 100
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2014 – Assessment of metal concentrations in tap-water – from source to the tap: a case study from Szczecin, Poland, Geologos 20, 1, 25–33
- Górski J., Latour T., Siepak M., Drobnik M., Sziwa D., 2014 – Coloured water in Miocene aquifer of central Wielkopolska-occurrence, genesis, possible uses in health resort medicine. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Seria: Studia i Prace z Geografii i Geologii nr 40, 91, ISBN 978-83-7986-011-1
- Bower M., Croll B., Ferrante M., Górski J., Hayes C., Jeż-Walkowiak J., Jovanovic D., Jung M., Michałkiewicz M., Postawa A., Pruss A., Rosborg I., Rybicki S., Siepak M., Sozański M.M., Szuster-Janiaczyk A., 2013 – Best Practice Guide on the Control of Iron and Manganese in Water Supply. Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK: 1-131, ISBN 978178040004
- Górski J., Latour T., Siepak M., Drobnik M., Sziwa D., 2012 –Prospects of using brown water from the miocene aquifer of the Wielkopolska region for physiotherapy. Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 452: 59-65;
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2012 – Metals in drinking water to the consumers in the light of studies in Poznań, Szczecin and Choszczna. Dymaczewski Z., Jeż-Walkowiak J., (red.), W: Water supply, water quality and protection. Poznan: V II, 317-335, ISBN 978-83-89696-16-9;
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., Kasztelan D., 2011 – Issues of management and protection of water-bearing areas of special importance for water supply on the example Mosina – Krajkowo waterworks. Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 445: 127-138
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – Metals and accompanying substances in drinking water for consumers in Poznan. Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 445: 139-148
- Górski J., 2011 – Chapter 16 Quality of Riverbank Filtrated Water on the Base of Poznań City (Poland) Waterworks Experiences. [W:] Riverbank Filtration for Water Security In Desert Contries, (red). Ray C., Shamrukh M.,Springer Published In cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 269-278, ISBN 978-94-007-0039-0 (PB), ISBN 978-94-007-0025-3 (HB), ISBN 978-94-007-0026-0 (e-book)
- Górski J., Siepak M., Garboś S., Święcicka D., 2011 – Preliminary assessment of
metal concentrations in drinking water in the city of Szczecin (Poland): Human
health aspects. Metals and related substances in drinking water. IWA Publishing,
London · New York: 91-99, ISBN: 9781780400358 - Górski J., Dragon K., Kasztelan D., Zydor H., Kudłacik J., Pawlicki W., Wojciechowicz D., Wacińska G., Zielski T., Staśko S., Buczyński S., Olichwer T., Tarka R., Witczak S., Duda R., Karlikowska J., Żurek A., 2011 – Map of the sensitivity of groundwater to contamination of 1: 500,000, Witczak S. (Ed.), University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow, 2 boards, ISBN 978-83-88927-25
- Górski J., Dragon K., Kasztelan D., Zydor H., Kudłacik J., Pawlicki W., Wojciechowicz D., Wacińska G., Zielski T., Staśko S., Buczyński S., Olichwer T., Tarka R., Witczak S., Duda R., Karlikowska J., Żurek A., 2011,- Map of the sensitivity of groundwater to contamination of 1: 500,000, Duda R., Witczak S., Zurek A. (Ed.), University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow, 138 pages, ISBN 978-83-88927-24-9
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – The occurrence of metals and metalloids in the waters for the production of water intended for consumption in Poland, [In:] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Posture A. Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 33 – 50, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – Criteria for identification of detailed research on Polish territory, [in:] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Postawa A., Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 135 – 138, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – Characteristics of the specific research areas in Polish, lowland hydrogeological province – pareast, [in:] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Postawa A., Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 163 – 175, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – Characteristics of the specific research areas in Polish, province of hydrogeological lowland – partwest, [in:] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Postawa A., Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 176 – 194, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., Siepak M., 2011 – The study of metals in water for human consumption in specific research areas, lowland hydrogeological Province – west, [in:] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Postawa A., Witczak S., (eds) Mining . University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 288 – 316, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., 2011 – Evaluation of human exposure to excessive metal content in the water for human consumption in Poland in the light of the research project [In] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Posture A. Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 317 – 334, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., 2011 – Summary and conclusions [W] Metals and accompanying substances in water intended for consumption in Poland, Postawa A., Witczak S., (eds). University of Mining and Metallurgy. Stanislaus Technology in Cracow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Krakow: 335 – 361, ISBN 978-83-88927-22-5
- Górski J., Sadzak D., 2011 – Problems of threats and protection of balneotherapy raw materials in Spa Kolobrzeg, [In] The impact of climate change and increasing human impact on the development of spa Kolobrzeg, Kostrzewski A., Szpikowski J., Wozniak R., (eds.), Ed. Regional Association of Tourist and Health Resort in Kolobrzeg, Kolobrzeg: 77-88, ISBN 978-83-929600-1-0
- Górski J., 2010 – Groundwater quality changes due to iron sulphide oxidation in the Odra ice marginal valley – long-term process observations. Biuletyn PIG Warszawa, nr 441, s. 19 – 25
- Siepak M., Nowotny` K., Vaculovic` T., Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2010 – Variability of
chemical composition of groundwater at the Miocene aquifer in the Poznań-Gostyń fault graben region (Poland). Biuletyn PIG, 441: 145 – 155. - Górski J., 2010 – Quality of groundwater and its changes during exploitation. Water Technology. Ed. Seidel-Przywecki, Warsaw, 2/2010, pp. 10 – 14
- Górski J., 2010 – Protection zones of groundwater -whether it is worth to set and establish. Water Technology, Ed. Seidel-Przywecki, Warsaw, No. 5 (2010), pp. 18- 22
- Górski J., 2010 – Changes in groundwater quality during exploitation. Water supply, quality and water protection – contemporary issues. Collective work ed. M. Sozańskiego, PZITS Poznan, pp. 115 – 128
- Dragon K., Górski J., 2009 – Identification of hydrogeochemical zones in postglacial buried valley aquifer (Wielkopolska Bured Valley aquifer, Poland) Environmental Geology, 58(4): 859-866
- Dragon K., Górski J., Marciniak M., Kasztelan D., 2009 – Use of mathematical modeling to investigate Inter-aquifer contamination by organic-rich water through an unplugged well (central Wielkopolska, Poland). Hydrogeology Journal 5: 1257-1264
- Górski J., Rasała M., 2009 – Hydrogeological conditions in the area of salt domes and their importance for the economic security of the use of salt structures. Bulletin of the Geological Institute Warsaw, Hydrogeology of. IX / 1: 121-128
- Górski J., 2009 – Problems of environment protection-balneological aspects of Kolobrzeg spa. Collective work editedby. E. Wisniewski. „For the sake of the future of Kolobrzeg spas”. Kolobrzeg: 60-74, ISBN 978-83-929600-0-3 Ed. Regional Association of Tourist and Health Resort in Kolobrzeg
- Górski J., Rasała M., 2008 – Hydrogeology of selected salt domes of the Kujawy region Kujawski – cognitive and utilitarian aspects. Geologos 13 (2008), Monographiae 5. AMU. Poznan, Bogucki Ed. Sciences
- Dragon K., Górski J., 2008 – The causes of groundwater pollution in Tursko wellfield supplying water for city Pleszew (Grent Poland Voivodeship). Przegl. Geol. 56 (6): 465-471
- Dragon K., Górski J., 2008 – The influence of the land reclamation drainage systems on groundwater quality. Proceedings of VIII International Conference: Water supply, water quality and protection (Sozański M., Dymaczewski Z., Jeż-Walkowiak J. (ed.), Poznań – Gniezno Poland, Volume I: pp. 201-208
- Górski J., Marciniak M., Przybyłek. , 2007 – The scope and methodology of work and hydrogeological studies. Scope and Methodics of hydrogeological Works and Researches. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology, Vol. XIII, 1-49, Cracow-Krynica.
- Dragon K., Górski J., Marciniak M., Kasztelan D., 2006 – The use of mathematical modeling to assess migration intensely coloured water in the area of Joanka. In wellfeld near Poznań city, “Scientific modeling of groundwater flow”. Dragon K., Okońska M., M. Marciniak, Przybyłek J. (ed.) Bogucki Ed, Geologos 10: 35-46
- Górski J., Dragon K., 2006 – Iron concentration changes in the conditions of groundwater exploitation . Proceedings of VII International Conference: Water supply, water quality and protection (Królikowski A., Sozański M., (eds.), Poznan Zakopane Poland, Volume I: pp. 223-234
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2006 – The location of wells and the quality of water obtained from the infiltration wells. V Materials Science and Technical Conference: Water-Man-Environment (Dymaczewski Z., Jeż-Walkowiak J. (eds.), September-Lichen, pp: 51-59
- Dragon K., GórskI J., Marciniak M., 2005 – Determination of “brown water” origin and spatial distribution in the aquifer. International workshop “From data gathering and groundwater modeling to integrated management”, Alicante (Spain), 4-8th October 2005, (Sanches-Vila X., Cabrera M.C., Valverde M. ed.), Geological Survey of Spain, Madrit, p. 249-254
- Dąbrowski S., Górski J., Kapuściński J., Przybyłek J. Szczepański A ., 2004 – Methods for determining the groundwater resources for wells. Ministry of the Environment. Ed. Med. Warsaw, 2004 (ISBN 83-86564-92-X)
- Dąbrowski S., Górski J., Rynarzewski W., 2004 – The effect of temperature on the efficiency of infiltration on the example of the research pond in Czyżkówku. In: Proceedings of VI International Conference „Water supply, water quality and protection. PZIiTS, Poznan 2004, pp. 307-315
- Dąbrowski S., Górski J., Skotnicki M., 2004 – Infiltration water capture – design and operation. In: Proceedings of IV Scientific and Technical Conference „Water – Man – Environment”. Lichen-September 2004 s.c-37 – C-49
- Górski J., 2004 – Groundwater treatment in an aquifer – examples of goodsand bads expiriences from application in Poland. In Proceedings of
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2004 – Methods and problems of the design and operation of underground water captures. In: Proceedings of IV Scientific and Technical Conference „Water – Man – Environment”. Lichen-September 2004 s.c-18 – C-36.
- Skrzypczyk L., Paczyński B., Dąbrowski S., Górski J., Herbich P., Hordejuk T., Kowalczyk A., Nowicki K., Nowicki Z., Przybyłek J., Sadurski S., Witczak S., 2004 – Map initial valuation of the main groundwater reservoirs. Scale 1: 800 000. The Minister of the Environment. Warsaw
- Górski J., 2003 – How to protect groundwater resources in agricultural areas. Chapter in a book “Shaping and protection of water resources in rural areas”: L. Ryszkowskiego, S. Bałażego i A. Kędziory. reds. Prodruk, Poznań. p. 31-36.
- Dąbrowski S., Górski J., Kapuściński J., Przybyłek J., Szczepański A., 2003 – Methodology for determining the groundwater resources for wells. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. XI.part 2, p. 11-19
- Dragon K., Górski J., 2003 – Influence of water ascent from Tertiary floors on water chemistry Wielkopolska buried . Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. XI. part 2, p. 125-130
- Górski J., 2003 – Zawada groundwater capture near Zielona Góra city – 30 years after the catastrophic changes in water quality. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. XI. part 2, p. 135-142.
- Górski J., Rasała M., 2003 – Salt waste dump in Wapno – the impact on the environment and the concept of remediation. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. XI. part 2, p. 367-373.
- Marciniak M., Górski J., Rasała M., 2003 – Investigations of hydraulic conductivity of fissure rocles of double permeability in the vicinity of the salt dome In Wapno. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. XI. part 2, p. 395-402.
- Dragon K., Marciniak M., Górski J., 2003 – Identify of the causes of anomalous groundwater colour of Wielkopolska buriel valley using the packer. Geol. 51(2), p. 151-158.
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2003 – Problems of threats and protection of groundwater in the area of the Great Poland National Park. Morena. No 10, p. 59-71.
- Górski J., Chomicki I., 2003 – Non-reservoir storage of liquid wastes in the aquifers on the example of the subsurface formation water injection station in Zakęcie, municipality Proceedings of Otyń. V Jubilee International Forum for Waste Management, Gniezno-Poznan, p. 215-225.
- Górski J., 2003 – Problems of diagnosis and monitoring of soil and groundwater pollution by-water petroleum compounds. Proceedings of Conf. Environmental pollution petroleum products, their monitoring and removal in terms of the process of integration with the European Union, P. Andrzejewski, Poznan, p. 11-22.
- Górski J., Chomicki I., 2003 – Non-reservoir storage of liquid waste in the ground one of the methods of disposal of waste oil. Proceedings of Conf. Environmental pollution petroleum products, their monitoring and removal in terms of the process of integration with the European Union, ed. P. Andrzejewski, Poznan,, p.265-272.
- Górski J., 2002 – Infiltration process in water treatment plants. p.236-350, in M. Sozański (ed), 2002; Water supply and sewage systems in Poland, tradition and modernity. Polish Foundation for the Preservation of Water Resources, Poznań – Bydgoszcz
- Górski J., 2002 – Treatment of groundwater in the aquifer. p. 299-325; in M.Sozański (ed), 2002; Water supply and sanitation in Poland, tradition and modernity. Polish Foundation for the Preservation of Water Resources, Poznań – Bydgoszcz.
- Górski J., Kaźmierczak-Wijura Z., 2002 – Causes of groundwater quality chonges on Trzaski water capture in the 90s. Przegląd Geologiczny, V.50, No 5, p.424-430.
- Górski J., 2002 – The impact of extreme hydrological and meteorological changes on the chemistry of groundwater and surface water. Proceedings of XIV conference “groundwater resources management”. Czestochowa, p.105-112.
- Górski J., 2002 – Principles of groundwater monitoring in a landfills. Proceedings of XII international scientific conference “Construction of secure landfill”. Wisla, p.1-10.
- Górski J., 2002 – Monitoring of groundwater in a landfill. Przegląd Komunalny, No 6(129), p.96-98.
- Ghodeif K. Górski J., 2001 – Protection of fresh groundwater in El-Qaa quaternary aquifer, Sinai, Egypt. New approaches characterizing groundwater flow, Munich Germany, 2001, vol. 1, p. 71-76.
- Górski J., Ghodeif K., 2001 – Salinization of shallow water aquifer in El-Qaa coastal plain, Sinai, Egypt. Hydrogeology of the coastal aquifers. Nicholas Copernicus University Toruń, p. 63-71.
- Górski J., 2001 – Ground water contamination and a new approach for its protection in Poland. Environmental management of the rural landscape in central and eastern Europe. Podbanske, Slovakia, p.81-84.
- Górski J., 2001 – Proposal of evaluation of anthropogenic pollution of groundwater based on selected hydrochemical indicators. Current problems of hydrogeology. Wyd. Un. Wrocław 2001, vol. X, part 1, p. 309-313
- Górski J., end others, 2001 – Physico-chemical of Scientific Publishers. UAM Poznań 2001, p.92.
- Ghodeif K., Górski J., 2000 – Simple system to mitigate flash flood hazards and recharge ground water aquifers in the desert, Sinai, Egypt. Proceeded of the International Conference “Water Supply and Water Quality”. Krakow, p. 243-256.
- Głazek J., Górski J., Rasała M., Ratajczak R., Wilkosz P., Gąska K., 2000 – Greater North-East Great Poland – Paluki: Geology and the use of salt domes and the problems of groundwater protection. Guide of LXXI PTG, Meeting Poznań, p. 173-212.
- Górski J., 2000 – Treatment of groundwater in the aquifer. Chapter in a book edited by. J. Nawrocki and S. Biłozór , „Water treatment. Chemical and biological processes. ” scientific Publishers. PWN, p. 471-507.
- Górski J., Kostrzewski A., Nowaczyk B., Antczak-Górka B., Walna B., Kaczmarek L., Skolasińska K., 2000 – Great Poland National Park: Geomorphology and paleogeography. Guide of LXXI Congress of PTG, Poznan, pp. 330-373.
- Górski J., Marciniak M., 2000 – Treatment of groundwater in the aquifer. Proceedings of International Conf. „Water supply, water quality and protection”, Cracow, p. 371-382.
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., 2000 – Valorisation of infiltration water captures of water supply system in Poznań. Proceedings of International Conf. „Water supply, water quality and protection”, Krakow. pp. 197-210.
- Przybyłek J., Górski J., Dąbrowski S., 2000 – Groundwater Basin Warta Poznan. Proceedings of Congress PTG, Poznan.
- Górski J., 1998 – The problems of pollution and protection of groundwater in urban areas on the example of the cities of Poznan and Mosina. Scientific Papers of the University of Silesia in Katowice, No. 1718. Hydrogeology of urbanized and industrialized areas. (ed. A. Jankowski). Slask University Publishers in Katowice, p. 79-90.
- Górski J., Liszkowska E., Eds, 1997 – Current problems of hydrogeology. Volume VIII. WIND Publishers Wroclaw.
- Górski J., Przybyłek J., 1997 – The impact of drought in 1989-1992, the operating conditions of infiltration water captures in the Warta River valley. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. VIII, Poznań – Kiekrz, WIND Publishers Wroclaw. pp. 1-8.
- Górski J., Liszkowska E., 1997 – The impact of traffic routes on soil and water environment. Modern Problems of Hydrogeology. V. VIII, Poznań – Kiekrz, WIND Publishers Wroclaw. pp. 123-128
- Górski J., 1996 – Nitrates in the aquatic environment in the light of groundwater and surface water. Proceedings of the International Conf. „Municipal and rural water supply and water quality” PZIiTS Poznań, pp. 197-209.
- Błaszyk T., Górski J., 1996 – Wastes and the problems of groundwater threats and protection. Library of environmental Monitoring, PIOŚ, Warsaw
- Górski J., 1996 – The impact of drainage systems on groundwater quality degradation on the example of the recognition for the town of Jarocin. Proceedings of the ” Hydrogeological problems of south-western Poland”. Lower Silesia Education Publishers, Wroclaw, p. 25-34.
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